Delphine Dogot


Axe(s) thématique(s) : Sécurité - Risques émergents

Delphine Dogot is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law. She researches and teaches in the areas of law and technology, international law and legal philosophy, in particular in relation to global governance, risk and security.
Delphine Dogot est Maître de conférences en droit. Elle mène des recherches et enseigne en droit et technologies, droit international et philosophie du droit en particulier autour des problématiques liées à la gouvernance globale, à la sécurité et au risque.

Faculté de Droit de l’Université Catholique de Lille - Centre de Recherche C3RD

Delphine Dogot is Associate professor of Law at the Faculty of Law of Université catholique de Lille since 2019, based at the Paris-Issy Campus.

She is the Director of LeStudio, a collaborative and creative digital/law lab and the Academic Director of the Digital Tech Winter & Summer Schools and University Degree on Law and Digital Technologies.

Delphine Dogot researches and teaches in the areas of law and technology, international law and legal philosophy, in particular in relation to global governance, risk and security. Her research investigates the tech-driven transformation of law and governance. She currently works on data-driven and blockchain governance architectures, on cybersecurity discourses and on the relations between algorithmic thinking and legal practices.

Before joining the Faculty of Law, Delphine Dogot was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Law Department of HEC Paris, an OXPO Fellow at Nuffield College, University of Oxford, a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School, a Fellow at Sciences Po Law School and a researcher the Perelman Centre for Legal Philosophy at ULB where she is an affiliate researcher.

She is regularly invited to teach at Sciences Po Paris, Université Aix-Marseille, HEC Paris, Université Panthéon Assas, Universidad des Los Andes, Université Libre de Bruxelles et Universidad UNISINOS Porto Alegre.

Trained in law and philosophy, Delphine Dogot holds a Ph.D. in Law from Sciences Po Law School, Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Law from Université Panthéon Sorbonne, an M.A in Sociology and B.A. in Philosophy from Université Paris Sorbonne.

Delphine Dogot teaches and works in French, English and Spanish, and reads German, Dutch and Italian.

Publications & activités

Type d'activité
Publications, Articles dans des revues

« Law and Boundaries : The Creation of a Transnational Critical Network »

« Law and Boundaries : The Creation of a Transnational Critical Network » with V. Corcodel et al.., Global Jurist 15.2 (2015): 113-116.

Delphine Dogot

Activités de valorisation, Participations à des évènements

Critical Approaches to International Criminal Law

Critical Approaches to International Criminal Law, collaborative research workshop participant.
Harvard Law School, IGL&P Conference, Cambridge MA, USA, June 2014.

Delphine Dogot

Activités de valorisation, Organisations évènements scientifiques

Sciences Po Law School Weekly Doctoral Forum

Weekly Doctoral Forum, founder and convener the weekly doctoral seminar, Sciences Po Law School, 2014-2016

Delphine Dogot

Autres activités de recherche, Responsabilités scientifiques

GEVIPAR Groupe d’études sur la vie et les institutions parlementaires

GEVIPAR – Groupe d’études sur la vie et les institutions parlementaires – Study group on parliamentary life and institutions – SciencesPo – AN multi-institutional research

Delphine Dogot

Autres activités de recherche, Activités d’expertise

« Mise en œuvre en France du Règlement bois de l’Union Européenne … »

Report « Mise en œuvre en France du Règlement bois de l’Union Européenne et de ses dispositions relatives à la mise sur le marché de

Delphine Dogot

Activités de valorisation, Participations à des évènements

Regulating Contemporary War and Terror

  • Regulating Contemporary War and Terror, paper presentation.
    LSE & Sciences Po, Joint Doctoral Workshop, Paris, France, September 2013.

Delphine Dogot

Activités de valorisation, Participations à des évènements, Communications

Targeted Killings and the New War Discourse

Targeted Killings and the New War Discourse, paper presentation. Harvard Law School, IGL&P Conference, Cambridge MA, USA, June 2013.

Delphine Dogot

Articles dans des revues, Publications

« The Law and Boundaries Project : Creating a Space for Dialogue and Innovative Thinking »

« The Law and Boundaries Project : Creating a Space for Dialogue and Innovative Thinking » with V. Corcodel, et alii, Global Jurist, (2013); 13(2-3):

Delphine Dogot