Conférence du Studio droit / digital

  • Conférence
  • 24 novembre 2023
  • 15h-17h

Le Studio droit/digital accueille pour ce séminaire une conversation autour des enjeux de la société digitale à partir des présentations croisées des Professeurs Jânia Saldanha (UNISINOS) et Wilson Edelman (UNISINOS)

The Studio digital/law seminar welcomes a conversation around the challenges of digital society with two presentations by Professors Jânia Saldanha (UNISINOS) and Wilson Edelman (UNISINOS).

* Campus Issy-Les-Moulineaux / 35 rue Gabriel Péri 92130 / Salle du Conseil, 2e étage

Speakers : Prof. Jânia Saldanha / Prof. Wilson Engelman

Zoom :

Le Studio droit/digital accueille pour ce séminaire une conversation autour des enjeux de la société digitale à partir des présentations croisées des Professeurs Jânia Saldanha (UNISINOS) et Wilson Edelman (UNISINOS)

The Studio digital/law seminar welcomes a conversation around the challenges of digital society with two presentations by Professors Jânia Saldanha (UNISINOS) and Wilson Edelman (UNISINOS).

Prof. Jânia Saldanha 

La nécessité d’un cosmopolitisme de responsabilité pour les entreprises du capitalisme de plateforme

Prof. Jânia Saldanha is a professor at the School of Law and in the Master’s and Doctorate courses in Law at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS, Brazil). Saldanha was a professor in the Faculty of Law and the Master’s Degree in Emerging Rights of the Global Society of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, Brazil). At UFSM, she was appointed to create the Affirmative Action Program. In 2015, during a public selection, she was chosen to occupy the position of visiting professor at IHEAL – Institut des Hautes Études de la Amérique Latine (2016-2017), at the Paris III University, Sorbonne-Nouvelle. She is the director of CULTIS – Center for Comparative Legal Cultures, Internationalization of Law and Justice Systems, at UNISINOS. She is invited as a Visiting Professor in several institutions including Universidad Católica de Pereira (Colombia),  Universidad de Medellin (Colombia) Universidade de São Paulo (USP, Brazil), and Catholic University of Lille (France). She is currently an ad hoc advisor to the Brazilian National Human Rights Council, in which she is part of the Observation Committee treating with compliance and international human rights treaties ratified by Brazil. Her areas of interest are internationalization of law, legal cosmopolitanism, human rights, constitutional and conventional law, transitional justice, human rights and business. 

Prof. Wilson Engelman

Algorithmic Discrimination as a new form of discrimination in the age of AI

Wilson Edelman is a full professor of Law at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS, Brazil). He was awarded a research productivity grant from the CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).  He holds a PhD in law from UNISINOS, and pursued Postdoctoral studies in Public Law and Human Rights at the Center for Security Studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Direction scientifique :

Delphine Dogot

Maître de conférences en droit. Elle mène des recherches et enseigne en droit et technologies, droit international et philosophie du droit en particulier autour des problématiques liées à la gouvernance globale, à la sécurité et au risque.