Human Rights vs Animal Rights?

  • Conférence
  • 7 mars 2023
  • 15h-17h

La conférence de Karen Wolf, Lawyer, teacher and researcher. PhD in Public Law by the UNISINOS, Brésil, s’inscrit dans notre cycle annuel de trois conférences consacré aux Droits humains.


Human Rights Clashes


This lecture untitled « Human Rights vs Animal Rights? To whom to extend rights in the Anthropocene »

is organized as part of the annual cycle de conferences : Human Rights Clashes

Conveners and Discussants:
photo de profil
Ioannis Panoussis
Responsable scientifique

Doyen de la Faculté de Droit
Maître de conférences en Droit International Public, Faculté de Droit, C3RD, Université Catholique de Lille, France
Co-director Master’s in Human Rights, Security and Development – FLD

photo de profil
Valentina Volpe
Responsable scientifique

Maître de conférences en Droit International Public, Faculté de Droit, C3RD, Université Catholique de Lille, France
Co-director Master’s in Human Rights, Security and Development – FLD

Dr. Karen Wolf

Lawyer, teacher and researcher


Lawyer, teacher and researcher. PhD in Public Law by the UNISINOS, Master in Emerging Rights by the University of Santa Catarina
(UFSM), President of the special commission for animals’ rights at the Brazilian bar association (OAB)

Contact : Valentina Volpe, Associate professor of international Law :